
Liberal Media? What Liberal Media?

Thursday, September 23, 2004
The Jesse Factor has a devastating expose of the BS-spewing Ben Barnes -- an active fund raiser for the Kerry campaign and a former lieutenant governor of Texas, who CBS Information Minister Dan Rather regarded as a credible source on Bush's National Guard record.

Barnes has claimed amid much CBS fanfare that he pulled government strings and peddled influence in order to land Bush a place in the National Guard.

But never mind that:

*Bush entered the National Guard in 1968, while Barnes became lieutenant governor in 1969;

*in 2000, Barnes said in sworn testimony -- under oath -- that he had NOT helped Bush enter the National Guard;

*Barnes's own daughter has dismissed the charges as a political ploy, calling her father's claims "lies";

*Barnes is the Kerry campaign's third most generous benefactor, having raised a quarter of a million dollars.

The media rejects the 265 Swift Boat Veterans for Truth because one of their benefactors knows Karl Rove; but the media is willing to accept the anti-Bush fantasy tales of a high-profile liberal operative, and has no qualms about putting a lying tabloid smear-artist, Kitty Kelley, on the Today Show three mornings in a row.

And there is no liberal media.