
Kerry's Constituency (II)

Monday, September 06, 2004
As a general rule of thumb, I will support any presidential candidate who this man, a leading Islamic terrorist, opposes.

(BTW, what the heck is that sock thingy on his head?)

And take a wild guess who Mr. Sock-Head favors as the next President of the United States... Yup, you got it: he's rooting for the botoxed mongoloid.

Wow, Kerry must feel so flattered to have been endorsed by a prominent Islamo-fascist. His campaign is really on a roll!

But seriously, is it even questionable which candidate the terrorists would prefer to see in the White House?

Let's compare the two contenders and their view on terrorism.

President Bush has made it clear that he is dead serious about waging the War on Terror, and bringing the Islamist goons to justice. Kerry, on the other hand, has seemed more concerned about kissing up to Jacques Chirac and making friends with the U.N. than he has about eradicating al-Qaeda.

Of course, the difference in priority is not lost on the terrorists, who understand that a vote for Kerry is a vote for a more "sensitive" America.

See also:
Lt. Kerry's Foreign Leader Fan Club Band