
Divided We Fail

Monday, November 22, 2004
Peking Duck posts an "incredible" picture from Iraq of a gang of terrorists waving RPGs and celebrating a successful ambush on a civilian convoy.

What disturbs me most about the picture is the context in which it is shown. The image is sneeringly touted as evidence that America has failed to beat the insurgents, that despite our proclamations of victory in Fallujah, we are still losing. What the picture represents, then, is a sort of morbid pornography -- a pornography disseminated by liberals for their own gruesome pleasure.

Leftists bask in the blood-bath and revel in the ghastly imagery because the war's horrors reinforce their belief that the invasion was a brutal neo-imperialist crusade and that the endeavor in Iraq is doomed to fail. Thus, what the Left exhibits today is a fetish for fiasco.

So to all those leftists out there who enjoy looking at pictures of mutilated civilians and victorious terrorists: please, for the love of your country, for the love of all the values and principles that you claim to hold dear, grow some balls, stop wallowing in the fever-swamps of defeatism and at least pretend to be on our side!

Because at the end of the day, we're all in this together. We win together, and we lose together. And WE cannot afford to lose.